Coordinate with my territory as Omnichannel Sales Advisor in DECATHLON, I will delight our customers by selling desirable and sustainable solutions dedicated to sport practice.
1. Delight my customers in all channels by selling new and durable products/services solutions suitable to their needs.
- Sell physically or digitally our available products that meet our customer's needs.
- Offer services that contribute to product purchases (in-store credit, testing, gift cards, Decat club....)
- Guarantee customer delight and loyalty through a close relationship on all channels.
- Sell all solutions that fulfil the experience expected by the customer: Product (new, marketplace, second-life, rental, subscription …) and Services (travel, decathlon coach…)
- Take action in all channels to promote and sell our solutions (stores, digital, social networks, beyond the store.)
- Offer new customers a suitable payment experience (traditional, QCO, mobile)
- Offer basic repair services, helping to extend a product's lifespan or personalisation services
2. Delight my customers with customer-friendly, experiential, omnichannel and safe layouts that make them want to discover our sports and solutions.
- Ensure customer-friendly layouts facilitate SIBC (Self Informed Best Choice) and fulfil the quick store strategy.
- Guarantee our products' physical and digital availability (store, internet, order stock)
- Guarantee our customers' safety (in your store, your products, and their data)
- Set up experiential and effective layouts (T/O, margin, Stock Lifetime T/O per Layout Meter) that highlight the breadth of our product and service offer
- Acting through actions that preserve our resources and our societal impact (ecodesign, waste management, etc.)
- 於實體或數位通路銷售符合顧客需求之現有產品。
- 提供有助於產品銷售的服務(購物抵用金、試用、禮券、迪卡儂會員⋯⋯)
- 於全通路維持緊密關係,確保顧客滿意度及忠誠度
- 銷售滿足客戶期望體驗的所有解決方案:產品(全新、市集、二次良品、租賃、訂閱⋯⋯)和服務(旅行、迪卡儂教練⋯⋯)
- 於所有通路積極行動,以推廣和銷售我們的解決方案(門店、線上、社交網路、門店之外。)
- 為新顧客提供合適的支付體驗(傳統、QCO、行動)
- 提供幫助延長產品使用壽命的基本維修服務或個人化服務
2. 透過顧客友善、體驗式、全通路與安全佈置陳列滿足顧客需求,激發顧客想要探索迪卡儂產品及服務的欲望
- 確保顧客友善的佈置陳列有利於自主購物,並實現快速門店策略
- 確保實體及數位通路產品庫存充足(門店、網路、訂單庫存)
- 確保顧客安全(店內、產品及顧客資訊)。
- 打造體驗式且有效之佈置陳列(每項佈置陳列項目之營業額、利潤、庫存週期),突顯我們產品和服務的廣度
- 透過保護資源和社會影響的行動(環保設計、廢棄物管理⋯⋯),展現迪卡儂價值