Decathlon Taiwan_台灣迪卡儂有限公司
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公司評論 評論

















Coordinate with my territory as Omnichannel Sales Advisor in DECATHLON, I will delight our customers by selling desirable and sustainable solutions dedicated to sport practice. 1. Delight my customers in all channels by selling new and durable products/services solutions suitable to their needs. - Sell physically or digitally our available products that meet our customer's needs. - Offer services that contribute to product purchases (in-store credit, testing, gift cards, Decat club....) - Guarantee customer delight and loyalty through a close relationship on all channels. - Sell all solutions that fulfil the experience expected by the customer: Product (new, marketplace, second-life, rental, subscription …) and Services (travel, decathlon coach…) - Take action in all channels to promote and sell our solutions (stores, digital, social networks, beyond the store.) - Offer new customers a suitable payment experience (traditional, QCO, mobile) - Offer basic repair services, helping to extend a product's lifespan or personalisation services 2. Delight my customers with customer-friendly, experiential, omnichannel and safe layouts that make them want to discover our sports and solutions. - Ensure customer-friendly layouts facilitate SIBC (Self Informed Best Choice) and fulfil the quick store strategy. - Guarantee our products' physical and digital availability (store, internet, order stock) - Guarantee our customers' safety (in your store, your products, and their data) - Set up experiential and effective layouts (T/O, margin, Stock Lifetime T/O per Layout Meter) that highlight the breadth of our product and service offer - Acting through actions that preserve our resources and our societal impact (ecodesign, waste management, etc.) 在我所服務的區域,銷售符合需求且環保永續的運動相關產品及服務,以滿足顧客 1.在各通路,銷售全新及永續的產品/服務,以滿足顧客需求 - 於實體或數位通路銷售符合顧客需求之現有產品。 - 提供有助於產品銷售的服務(購物抵用金、試用、禮券、迪卡儂會員⋯⋯) - 於全通路維持緊密關係,確保顧客滿意度及忠誠度 - 銷售滿足客戶期望體驗的所有解決方案:產品(全新、市集、二次良品、租賃、訂閱⋯⋯)和服務(旅行、迪卡儂教練⋯⋯) - 於所有通路積極行動,以推廣和銷售我們的解決方案(門店、線上、社交網路、門店之外。) - 為新顧客提供合適的支付體驗(傳統、QCO、行動) - 提供幫助延長產品使用壽命的基本維修服務或個人化服務 2. 透過顧客友善、體驗式、全通路與安全佈置陳列滿足顧客需求,激發顧客想要探索迪卡儂產品及服務的欲望 - 確保顧客友善的佈置陳列有利於自主購物,並實現快速門店策略 - 確保實體及數位通路產品庫存充足(門店、網路、訂單庫存) - 確保顧客安全(店內、產品及顧客資訊)。 - 打造體驗式且有效之佈置陳列(每項佈置陳列項目之營業額、利潤、庫存週期),突顯我們產品和服務的廣度 - 透過保護資源和社會影響的行動(環保設計、廢棄物管理⋯⋯),展現迪卡儂價值










THE PROJECT Touch more customers by making Decathlon a go-to name for appealing and sustainable solutions dedicated to sport, fitness and well-being. Make my playground a land of talent at the service of Decathlon's human wealth. RESPONSIBILITY 1 : Build and lead my commercial project that fulfils the needs of local people - Decide on and implement my omnichannel commercial policy that allows me to touch more people and fulfils my people / planet / profit ambitions. - Provide an omnichannel, sustainable product offering and a range of services expected by customers - Act across all channels to get to know the people living in my zone and encourage them to visit or return, and engage with us to promote sport and physical activity. - Commit to and develop omnichannel indicators and decide on the means required to achieve them. - Promote eco-mobility among our customers, employees and partners. - Ensure good relations with local institutions, prioritising in line with the issues for my zone. - Co-develop my area's project. RESPONSIBILITY 2 : Deliver the best possible experience to ensure customer satisfaction and sustainable performance - Develop sales of our new or second-hand products as well as services, by our teammates / partners. - Manage the "how to sell" which allows our customers to discover and buy our product and service offer on new or sustainable solutions. - Deliver the satisfaction policy and Decathlon and partner services policy to fulfil customer needs. - Ensure the safety of customers, teammates, goods, data and the respects of the procedures - Offer solutions to extend the lifespan of products and customise the products. - Coordinate people organisation, hourly performance and working conditions to enhance availability for customers and overall performance. - Preserve our resources through the management of our site and our societal impact (waste, energy, transport, etc.). RESPONSIBILITY 3 : Develop, motivate and take care of human capital - Animate the managerial scheme ( Project team - individual, Mission, individual meeting, Remuneration, Performance ) by integrating the challenges of transformations. - Develop a collective in the service of the project - Respect and enforce all staff legal rules - Take care of myself and my teammates by creating a motivating work environment. - Decide on a current and future human structure consistent with my commercial strategy, my economic activity and our transformations (digital, data, sustainable development, departments, etc.) Other Requirements: - Retail management experience - Mobility, open to work in different cities










想要與一群熱愛運動的人一起工作、分享運動的喜悅嗎? 迪卡儂提供給你一個展現自我、提升職場實力、追求夢想的舞台! 其中涵蓋【登山露營運動、游泳衝浪水上運動,跑步、腳踏車、健身、瑜珈、團體球類等】 60 種運動項目等及超過 35,000 種產品,讓今天所有熱愛運動的人,能夠輕易接觸到不同且有趣的運動! 【時薪制,另有獎金】 *迪卡儂並將視營運狀況發放獎金, 發放基準與辦法由迪卡儂另行訂定, 並得不定期檢討修訂之。 《如果你滿足以下條件,我們希望進一步認識你》 1. 熱愛運動,保持定期從事習慣 2. 喜愛團隊工作,善於溝通,樂於分享 3. 了解你熱愛的運動產業,熟習該運動產品需求 《這份工作需要你...》 - 分享運動經驗和熱情,讓更多人因為迪卡儂的產品享受運動帶來的樂趣 - 透過產品知識,了解每位使用者的需求並協助尋找適合的產品 - 透過陳列技巧,設計符合消費行為的產品陳列,保持清晰簡單的產品陳列 - 分析銷售狀況,妥善的管理庫存 - 透過體驗活動來推廣在地運動 - 學習收銀客服能力,以最友善的態度服務 《排班形態》 周末假日、連續假期、平日晚上皆可上班










Working as Store Customer Services Advisor in DECATHLON Sanchong Store, I offer my customers the best-in-class user experience to make them loyal & come back. I win over customers by offering them sustainable and desirable solutions for their sporting activities 1. Assist my customer by offering him the payment experience which fits his needs. - Cash my customer on the payment system that best meets their needs (SCO, Till, mobile payment) - Assist my customer during the payment process: take an active role, and be available and attentive to ensure a pleasant experience. - Be fully competent in all checkout procedures, from opening to closing my checkout. - Ensure that my customer is identified by offering them to take part of the membership program - Organize the customer flow for a streamlined checkout experience. - Know and apply the procedures relating to monetary flows 2. Welcome and guarantee the best-in-class user experience to make my customer come back - Ensure the security of teammates, customers and goods - Give all customers a warm welcome on all channels - Interact with each instore customer by adopting the best posture (smile, hello) - Be present at my store entrance by adopting a helpful attitude, detect my customer need and offer him a suitable solution - Be able to offer all the services defined in my store's customer services policy: returns, membership program, financing, workshop, hire, etc. - Be present at my store exit to exchange with the visitors without purchases and offer them a suitable solution - Analyze and answer to the customers reviews in order to contribute to the continuous improvement of the customer satisfaction - Carry out a monthly review to understand my store strengths and improvement areas regarding customer satisfaction. - Know about my store's commercial events and share them with my customers: commercial campaigns, sports events, etc.. 3. Manage digital orders to guarantee an unique and seamless user experience between online and instore. - Provide a high-quality C&C area that is clearly visible. - Manage orders autonomously: receiving orders, storage, managing incidents - Ensure C&C orders are efficiently prepared within 1 hour : preparation delay, traceability, and handing over in person - Give customers the best possible order collection experience, ensuring that all of the fundamentals of customer relations are applied: greet them, be friendly and helpful, identify any needs, etc. - Ensure orders IT delivery is correctly done - Know and apply all the digital orders procedures - Manage other order types : ship from store 4. Satisfy my customers on all channels by selling them products/services solutions that meet their needs. - Sell our physically or digitally available products that meet the customer's needs. - Offer layouts that make customer choice easier. - Make products quickly available by efficiently returning them to shelves/pegs. 在迪卡儂三重門市擔任門市客服助理(正職),我提供顧客最佳用戶體驗以提升顧客忠誠度,針對顧客的運動項目,以令人嚮往且永續的解決方案贏得顧客 1. 提供顧客符合該需求的結帳體驗 - 以最符合顧客需求的付款方式為顧客結帳 - 協助顧客,主動出擊,隨時待命並細心確認顧客獲得令人滿意的結帳經驗 - 完全勝任每個付款流程從頭到尾的所有步驟 - 確保結帳時透過會員計畫辨識顧客身分 - 調整安排客流,打造便捷的結帳體驗 - 了解並實行貨幣流相關程序 2. 確保提供最佳的用戶體驗,讓顧客願意再次光臨 - 確保團隊、顧客及商品的安全 - 在所有通路給予顧客熱情的歡迎 - 與每位光臨門市的顧客互動,展現最佳的態度(微笑、問候) - 在門市口保持存在感,以熱情助人的態度探詢顧客需求,並為其提供合適的解決方案 - 能夠提供門市內客戶服務政策中定義的所有服務:退貨、會員計劃、融資、工作坊、租賃等 - 在門市出口處與未購買的訪客交流,並為他們提供合適的解決方案 - 分析並回應顧客的評價,以促進客戶滿意度的持續改進 - 每月進行一次回顧,以了解門市在客戶滿意度方面的優勢和改進空間 - 了解門市的商業活動,並與顧客分享:商業推廣活動、體育活動等 3. 管理數字訂單,確保在線與店內之間獨特且無縫的用戶體驗。 - 提供高品質的「到店取貨」(C&C)區域,位置明顯可見。 - 獨立管理訂單:接收訂單、存儲、處理問題。 - 確保「到店取貨」訂單能在1小時內高效準備:包括準備時效、追蹤和親自交付。 - 為顧客提供最佳的訂單提取體驗,確保執行所有基本的客戶關係原則:問候顧客、友善助人、了解需求等。 - 確保訂單的IT交付正確完成。 - 熟悉並遵守所有數字訂單的操作流程。 - 管理其他類型的訂單:例如「從店內配送」 4. 在所有通路銷售銷售符合顧客需求的產品/服務,以滿足顧客需求 - 透過實體門市或數位通路,銷售符合顧客需求的現有產品 - 提供讓顧客更容易挑選產品的商品陳列 - 迅速讓產品返回貨架/掛鉤上,讓產品再度被顧客看見。










想要與一群熱愛運動的人一起工作、分享運動的喜悅嗎? 迪卡儂提供給你一個展現自我、提升職場實力、追求夢想的舞台! 其中涵蓋【登山露營運動、游泳衝浪水上運動,跑步、腳踏車、健身、瑜珈、團體球類等】 60 種運動項目等及超過 35,000 種產品,讓今天所有熱愛運動的人,能夠輕易接觸到不同且有趣的運動! 《如果你滿足以下條件,我們希望進一步認識你》 1. 熱愛運動,保持定期從事習慣 2. 喜愛團隊工作,善於溝通,樂於分享 3. 了解你熱愛的運動產業,熟習該運動產品需求 《這份工作需要你...》 - 分享運動經驗和熱情,讓更多人因為迪卡儂的產品享受運動帶來的樂趣 - 學習產品知識,了解每位使用者的需求並協助尋找適合的產品 - 學習陳列技巧,設計符合消費行為的產品陳列,保持清晰簡單的產品陳列 - 分析銷售狀況,妥善的管理庫存 - 透過體驗活動來推廣在地運動 - 學習收銀客服能力,以最友善的態度服務 《排班形態》 周末假日、連續假期皆可上班










想要與一群熱愛運動的人一起工作、分享運動的喜悅嗎? 迪卡儂提供給你一個展現自我、提升職場實力、追求夢想的舞台! 其中涵蓋【登山露營運動、游泳衝浪水上運動,跑步、腳踏車、健身、羽球、團體球類等】 60 種運動項目等及超過 35,000 種產品,讓今天所有熱愛運動的人,能夠輕易接觸到不同且有趣的運動! 《如果你滿足以下條件,我們希望進一步認識你》 1. 熱愛運動,保持定期從事習慣 2. 喜愛團隊工作,善於溝通,樂於分享 3. 了解你熱愛的運動產業,熟習該運動產品需求 《這份工作需要你...》 - 分享運動經驗和熱情,讓更多人因為迪卡儂的產品享受運動帶來的樂趣 - 學習產品知識,了解每位使用者的需求並協助尋找適合的產品 - 學習陳列技巧,設計符合消費行為的產品陳列,保持清晰簡單的產品陳列 - 分析銷售狀況,妥善的管理庫存 - 透過體驗活動來推廣在地運動 - 學習收銀客服能力,以最友善的態度服務 《排班形態》 周末假日、連續假期皆可上班










與一群熱愛運動的人一起工作、分享運動的喜悅嗎? 迪卡儂提供給你一個展現自我、提升職場實力、追求夢想的舞台 - 引導顧客尋找適合的產品 - 隨時保持最友善的產品陳列與擺設 - 依需求調節各項產品庫存 - 完整的職業訓練教育 - 推廣運動熱情(不定期舉辦活動與顧客拉近距離) Would you like to share your extremely passion about sports and work with people that actively do sports? Decathlon is offering you the chance to get high responsibilities, plenty of training to develop your skills and a tailored carrier plan - Lead customers finding the product they need - Supply friendly layout at all time. - Manage stock according to your business activity. - Get professional job skill training. - Promote sport passion (organize sport events and invite customers to participate)










想和一群熱愛運動、充滿活力、樂於分享的人一起工作嗎? 迪卡儂提供給你一個展現自我、提升職場實力、追求夢想的舞台! 其中涵蓋【登山露營運動、游泳衝浪水上運動,跑步、腳踏車、健身、瑜珈、團體球類等】 60 種運動項目等及超過 35,000 種產品,讓今天所有熱愛運動的人,能夠輕易接觸到不同且有趣的運動! 《這份工作需要你...》 1. 執行並精通服務台退換貨、收銀、金流、售後服務等門店客服工作 2. 領導顧客服務相關專案,了解顧客需求,提升顧客滿意度 3. 客服平台管理維護 4. 維護顧客關係,紀錄回饋,定期統整、分析並優化網路商城與運動相關體驗 5. 門市現場客訴與危機處理,提供有效的解決方案 6. 熟知店內活動並宣傳活動內容 《如果你滿足以下條件,我們希望進一步認識你》 -熱愛運動,經常從事至少一項運動 -良好的組織力與團隊協作、溝通協調能力、重視顧客體驗 -享受團隊合作 -充滿活力與責任感 -充滿笑容且擁有服務熱情 -永續經營的概念 《排班形態》 周末假日、連續假期皆可上班










Coordinate with my territory as Omnichannel Sales Advisor in DECATHLON, I will delight our customers by selling desirable and sustainable solutions dedicated to sport practice. 1. Delight my customers in all channels by selling new and durable products/services solutions suitable to their needs. - Sell physically or digitally our available products that meet our customer's needs. - Offer services that contribute to product purchases (in-store credit, testing, gift cards, Decat club....) - Guarantee customer delight and loyalty through a close relationship on all channels. - Sell all solutions that fulfil the experience expected by the customer: Product (new, marketplace, second-life, rental, subscription …) and Services (travel, decathlon coach…) - Take action in all channels to promote and sell our solutions (stores, digital, social networks, beyond the store.) - Offer new customers a suitable payment experience (traditional, QCO, mobile) - Offer basic repair services, helping to extend a product's lifespan or personalisation services 2. Delight my customers with customer-friendly, experiential, omnichannel and safe layouts that make them want to discover our sports and solutions. - Ensure customer-friendly layouts facilitate SIBC (Self Informed Best Choice) and fulfil the quick store strategy. - Guarantee our products' physical and digital availability (store, internet, order stock) - Guarantee our customers' safety (in your store, your products, and their data) - Set up experiential and effective layouts (T/O, margin, Stock Lifetime T/O per Layout Meter) that highlight the breadth of our product and service offer - Acting through actions that preserve our resources and our societal impact (ecodesign, waste management, etc.) 在我所服務的區域,銷售符合需求且環保永續的運動相關產品及服務,以滿足顧客 1.在各通路,銷售全新及永續的產品/服務,以滿足顧客需求 - 於實體或數位通路銷售符合顧客需求之現有產品。 - 提供有助於產品銷售的服務(購物抵用金、試用、禮券、迪卡儂會員⋯⋯) - 於全通路維持緊密關係,確保顧客滿意度及忠誠度 - 銷售滿足客戶期望體驗的所有解決方案:產品(全新、市集、二次良品、租賃、訂閱⋯⋯)和服務(旅行、迪卡儂教練⋯⋯) - 於所有通路積極行動,以推廣和銷售我們的解決方案(門店、線上、社交網路、門店之外。) - 為新顧客提供合適的支付體驗(傳統、QCO、行動) - 提供幫助延長產品使用壽命的基本維修服務或個人化服務 2. 透過顧客友善、體驗式、全通路與安全佈置陳列滿足顧客需求,激發顧客想要探索迪卡儂產品及服務的欲望 - 確保顧客友善的佈置陳列有利於自主購物,並實現快速門店策略 - 確保實體及數位通路產品庫存充足(門店、網路、訂單庫存) - 確保顧客安全(店內、產品及顧客資訊)。 - 打造體驗式且有效之佈置陳列(每項佈置陳列項目之營業額、利潤、庫存週期),突顯我們產品和服務的廣度 - 透過保護資源和社會影響的行動(環保設計、廢棄物管理⋯⋯),展現迪卡儂價值










THE PROJECT Touch more customers by making DECATHLON a go-to name for appealing and sustainable solutions dedicated to sport, fitness and well-being. Make my playground a land of talent at the service of DECATHLON's human wealth. RESPONSIBILITY 1 : Build and lead my commercial project that fulfils the needs of local people - Decide on and implement my omnichannel commercial policy that allows me to touch more people and fulfils my people / planet / profit ambitions. - Provide an omnichannel, sustainable product offering and a range of services expected by customers - Act across all channels to get to know the people living in my zone and encourage them to visit or return, and engage with us to promote sport and physical activity. - Commit to and develop omnichannel indicators and decide on the means required to achieve them. - Promote eco-mobility among our customers, employees and partners. - Ensure good relations with local institutions, prioritising in line with the issues for my zone. - Co-develop my area's project. RESPONSIBILITY 2 : Deliver the best possible experience to ensure customer satisfaction and sustainable performance - Develop sales of our new or second-hand products as well as services, by our teammates / partners. - Manage the "how to sell" which allows our customers to discover and buy our product and service offer on new or sustainable solutions. - Deliver the satisfaction policy and Decathlon and partner services policy to fulfil customer needs. - Ensure the safety of customers, teammates, goods, data and the respects of the procedures - Offer solutions to extend the lifespan of products and customise the products. - Coordinate people organisation, hourly performance and working conditions to enhance availability for customers and overall performance. - Preserve our resources through the management of our site and our societal impact (waste, energy, transport, etc.). RESPONSIBILITY 3 : Develop, motivate and take care of human capital - Animate the managerial scheme (Project team - individual, Mission, individual meeting, Remuneration, Performance) by integrating the challenges of transformations. - Develop a collective in the service of the project - Respect and enforce all staff legal rules - Take care of myself and my teammates by creating a motivating work environment. - Decide on a current and future human structure consistent with my commercial strategy, my economic activity and our transformations (digital, data, sustainable development, departments, etc.)