SHOPLINE Technology Corp., Ltd._商線科技股份有限公司
職務資訊 職務
公司介紹 公司
公司評論 評論

















SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,是提供品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務。 以品牌電商架站平台為核心,整合網站設計、商品管理、金物流服務以及行銷導流工具,為賣家提供簡單、好上手的架站服務,是亞洲最大的網路開店平台,此外,SHOPLINE 也提供跨境、O2O 虛實整合、POS 系統等全通路解決方案。自 2013 年創辦以來,全球已經有超過 500,000 個品牌使用 SHOPLINE 的服務成功開店,讓 SHOPLINE 成為在亞洲市場的行業領軍者。 我們保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的彈性,你還等什麼! 歡迎對 startup 有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊! 【What you will be doing】 1. 確保良好的客戶體驗,透過即時線上回覆,精準且有效率的解決客戶問題 2. 深入了解 SHOPLINE 系統及生態圈,進一步判斷客戶需求及情境提供全方位的解決方案: - 開店系統:網路開店、社群購物、O2O 整合商店建置及設定 - 核心功能:CRM 會員管理、優惠邏輯、數位行銷及數據追蹤 - 衍生服務:金流系統、倉儲物流、 ERP、CRM、數位行銷服務及應用 3. 確保產品及服務品質符合客戶期望 - 蒐集客戶建議以及功能回饋,分析彙整後透過跨部門溝通進行優化 - 精準判斷問題並能即時回報給內部技術支援團隊,確保有效溝通 - 持續以客戶角度協助內部團隊了解產品優化方向及滿意度 4. 提升客戶滿意度,降低客訴率 【Who we are looking for】 - 客戶溝通:擅長觀察溝通,能透過細微的資訊感受到對方的情緒變化或需求,靈活應對、隨機應變。 - 邏輯思考:良好的組織能力,能夠有邏輯、有架構的將複雜或多元的資訊整理的簡單易懂。 - 文字表達:良好的中英打能力,能快速有效率的將資訊整理成流暢的文字以即時訊息對話。 - 積極主動:積極參與團隊討論、主動提出問題,保持彈性能不斷學習、吸收新知,面對不同挑戰。 - 危機處理:遇到客訴或是系統突發狀況能有條不紊的釐清、應對,並能快速排出優先順序進行處理。 【Scheduling method】 - 週一到週日輪班制,需配合公司制度調整 - 10:00~19:00 【It'd be plus if you have】 - 電商行銷背景經驗,例如:FB / Google 廣告投放 - 實際使用 Google Analytics / Facebook Pixel 等工具之經驗 - 具顧客/專案管理、客訴處理等經驗 - 具網路拍賣、網路平台文字及電話客服經驗 - 熟悉直播購物工具的使用或問題解決經驗 - CRM 軟體使用經驗:Intercom / Zendesk










SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,是提供品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務。 以品牌電商架站平台為核心,整合網站設計、商品管理、金物流服務以及行銷導流工具,為賣家提供簡單、好上手的架站服務,是亞洲最大的網路開店平台,此外,SHOPLINE 也提供跨境、O2O 虛實整合、POS 系統等全通路解決方案。自 2013 年創辦以來,全球已經有超過 500,000 個品牌使用 SHOPLINE 的服務成功開店,讓 SHOPLINE 成為在亞洲市場的行業領軍者。 我們保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的彈性,你還等什麼! 歡迎對 startup 有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊! 【What you’ll be doing】 SRE Engineers are responsible for the overall performance and reliability of SHOPLINE's infrastructure and products. You will be in charge of: - Automation: SREs are passionate about automation and tooling. - Improving our user experience and maintaining service stability through SLA/SLO/SLI metrics. - Incident Response (enhancing the on-call experience, tools, and procedures), including a comprehensive postmortem process and root cause analysis. - Participating in on-call duties during non-working hours. - Designing CI/CD processes to deploy SRE tools. 【Who we are looking for】 - A solid understanding of large-scale distributed systems in practice, including multi-tier architectures, application security, monitoring, and storage systems. - Advanced Linux expertise and a willingness to explore Linux internals. - Proficiency with observability solutions such as Grafana, Prometheus, Opentelemetry, Tempo, Loki, New Relic, and CloudWatch. - Familiarity with SLI/SLO/SLA concepts to monitor product availability. - Experience with public cloud services such as AWS, GCP, and Azure. - A basic understanding of Kubernetes and some hands-on experience. - Strong scripting skills. - Development experience and familiarity with programming languages such as Ruby, Node.js, Golang, and Python. 【It'd be plus if you have】 - Experience working in a fast-paced startup environment - Knowledge of building or maintaining e-commerce platforms - Basic understanding of Ruby on Rails (RoR) applications - Basic troubleshooting skills for Kubernetes and networking










This Accounting Manager role will be in charge of regional Accounting team to ensure local financial statements and accounting operations are booked according to group accounting policy and local requirements. 【What you will be doing】 - Manage the accounting team including accounting treatment, A/R, A/P, GL , Cost Accounting, and Revenue Recognition - Lead regional legal entity monthly closing process and prepare and timely monthly financial statements - Coordinate the preparation of regulatory reporting including statutory audit report - Ensure quality control over financial transactions and financial reporting, coordinate with group reporting team to identify and solve the local technical accounting issues for compliance - Develop and document business processes and accounting policies to maintain and strengthen internal controls 【Who we are looking for】 - Proven working experience as a Financial Controller or Finance manager - 7+ years of overall combined accounting and finance experience - Bachelor Degree in Accounting or related major, CPA or CMA preferred - Thorough knowledge of accounting principles and procedures










SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台成立於 2013 年,是亞洲最大及成長最快的 SaaS (Software-as-a-service ) 商務平台以及解決方案服務商之一。SHOPLINE 豐富的生態圈服務提供最新的技術、資源及合作夥伴,全方位賦能店家成功;店家可透過 SHOPLINE 全通路解決方案包含電子商務、社群商務以及 POS 系統,成功將產品及服務銷售至全世界。 SHOPLINE 總部設立於新加坡,目前全球有約 2,000 名員工,並已協助全球超過 50 萬商家開店,包含 DR.WU、茶籽堂、綠藤生機、vacanza、美珍香、乾杯超市、Lady M、起士公爵、海邊走走、京盛宇等知名品牌都是 SHOPLINE 客戶。 發展至今,SHOPLINE 已是橫跨香港、台北、吉隆坡、胡志明市、深圳、廣州、杭州、上海、北京、新加坡、雅加達等 11 大亞洲城市的國際化團隊,今年更進軍歐美市場,開設英國、澳洲、美國辦公室據點,透過 SHOPLINE 創新的服務與頂尖的團隊,專注為品牌打造最好的產品。 SHOPLINE 保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的發展彈性,你還等什麼!歡迎對 Startup、對電商產業有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊! 【What you will be doing】 - 負責相關系統程式開發、管理與維護,及產品運維服務與支援 - 確認軟體程式的目的與功能,進行程序開發及測試 - 與跨國、跨領域圑隊密切合作各種不同子領域的產品與需求 - 與產研團隊一起計畫與執行客戶端產品的需求、故障排除與分析產品的成效 - 排查與解析店家回報問題並提出事後的修復計畫 - 有機會多接觸到更多具有挑戰的線上專案 【Who we are looking for】 - 至少具備一種語言技能 Golang(優先)、Ruby on Rails 和學習其他語言的能力 - 可以 multi-tasking,並可判斷事情優先級,依序處理現場問題 - 細心且具備良好溝通能力,可獨立解決問題 - 良好的開發習慣、對於技能有專研 - 對於整個產品與系統可以有足夠的了解並能夠積極提出優化系統的方向與可能性 【It'd be plus if you have】 - 精通 Golang 與學習其他語言的能力 - 具有電子商務程式開發經驗者優先 - 對新創產業文化有高度熱誠 - 基礎雲服務資源使用經驗(AWS / Docker / K8s) - 對於數據驅動(Data Driven)的產品開發流程有足夠的經驗與熱忱 【Technique you will work with】 - Node.js /GO / Ruby on Rails - MongoDB - Elastic Search - K8S - Git - AWS - Docker - Oauth - Linux 基本










SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,創立於 2013 年,2014 年獲選加入矽谷 500 Startups 加速器計劃,是香港多年來第二間加入的團隊,2015 年正式進入台灣市場。SHOPLINE 是致力於協助品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務,提供包含網路開店、跨境電商、社群購物、 POS 系統以及 OMO 虛實整合等全通路解決方案。此外,亦有專業的顧問團隊協助品牌執行廣告投遞、市場策略建議、行銷企劃以及商店代營運等全方位的開店解決方案,助力各種規模的品牌都能扎根本地,放眼世界,實現全通路零售的版圖佈局。 目前,SHOPLINE 已協助全球超過 50萬品牌開店,包含 RELOVE、林果良品、海邊走走、京盛宇、綠藤生機、美珍香、葡吉食品、古典玫瑰園等知名品牌選用。於 2022 年度,SHOPLINE 更成功協助所有品牌用戶接觸累計超過 15 億人次的消費者,讓 SHOPLINE 成為亞太市場的行業領軍者。 發展至今,SHOPLINE 全球人數逾二千人,是橫跨香港、台北、吉隆坡、胡志明市、深圳、廣州、杭州、上海、北京、新加坡、雅加達等 11 大亞洲城市的國際化團隊,而 SHOPLINE 創新的服務與頂尖的團隊專注為品牌打造最好的產品。 SHOPLINE 保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的發展彈性,你還等什麼!歡迎對 Startup、對電商產業有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊! 【What you will be doing】 - 參與專案發想和執行,整理團隊專案所需檔案 - 維護、更新電商顧問日常所需數據,並進行分析作業 - 觀察電商產業趨勢,提出產業建議,並製作簡報幫助店家提升經營表現 - 其他臨時交辦任務 【Who we are looking for】 - 具備高細心度,需執行數據整理 - 良好的表達與邏輯能力 - 自律且負責的工作態度 - 主動自覺的學習且可積極配合團隊合作者 - 一週至少能上班三個整天 【It'd be plus if you have】 - 高度應變能力,具較佳的機動性 - 對台灣的網路商店及網購文化有基礎的概念(具網路拍賣、網路平台、數位行銷實習經驗者尤佳)










SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,是提供品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務。 以品牌電商架站平台為核心,整合網站設計、商品管理、金物流服務以及行銷導流工具,為賣家提供簡單、好上手的架站服務,是亞洲最大的網路開店平台,此外,SHOPLINE 也提供跨境、O2O 虛實整合、POS 系統等全通路解決方案。自 2013 年創辦以來,全球已經有超過 500,000 個品牌使用 SHOPLINE 的服務成功開店,讓 SHOPLINE 成為在亞洲市場的行業領軍者。 我們保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的彈性,你還等什麼! 歡迎對 startup 有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊! 【What you will be doing】 - 撰寫測試案例、執行測試工作、產出測試報告 - 建置自動化測試流程、環境 - 開發自動化測試程式 - 協助公司產品上線前後的測試檢查 【Who we are looking for】 - 需有三年以上自動化測試相關經驗 (Selenium, Appium, Robot framework, Cypress, Testcafe, etc) - 熟悉各種平台相關測試 (desktop / mobile / API) - 熟悉一種以上的語言 (JavaScript, Python, etc) - 使用過任一種 Issue tracking tool - 具有良好溝通能力及團隊協作精神者 - 熟悉 Git 版本控制、CI/CD 流程 【It'd be plus if you have】 - 有金融、物流、電商測試經驗者尤佳 - 有壓力測試、效能測試相關經驗者尤佳










主要職責: - 參與設計、開發與維護電商網站的前端功能與介面 - 與設計團隊合作,將設計稿轉換為高效且符合標準的 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 程式碼 - 確保網站在不同瀏覽器和設備上的性能優化與相容性 - 與後端團隊合作,整合 API 與服務,實現動態內容的呈現 - 確保網站具備良好的 SEO 和響應式設計,並持續優化網站的速度與效能 - 參與技術決策,並提供最佳實踐建議 - 撰寫和維護前端代碼的測試,確保高質量的程式碼標準 - 解決技術問題並保持項目進度 必須條件: - 5 年以上前端開發經驗 - 深入理解 JavaScript (ES6+)、HTML5、CSS3 - 精通 React.js 框架,並有實際專案經驗 - 熟悉 CSS 預處理器 (如 SASS 或 LESS) - 熟悉前端構建工具與流程 (如 Webpack, Babel, npm 等) - 熟悉 Git 版本控制系統 - 熟悉跨瀏覽器兼容性與響應式網頁設計 - 具備優秀的問題解決能力,並能在快節奏的環境中有效工作 - 對用戶體驗 (UX) 有基本理解,能夠與設計師密切合作 - 了解 SEO 最佳實踐 - 具備 TypeScript 使用經驗 - 具備前端自動化測試經驗 (如 Playwright, Jest, Enzyme) 加分條件: - 有電商平台或大型網站開發經驗 - 了解後端技術 (如 Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Golang) - 具備 GraphQL 或其他 API 集成經驗 - 具備良好的溝通能力,並能夠與團隊合作 - 對前端技術有熱情,樂於學習新技術 - 擁有強烈的責任感和解決問題的能力 - 能夠自我管理,並保持對於細節的高度關注










SHOPLINE is Asia’s largest smart commerce platform. With our customers in mind, we strive to deliver scalable commerce solutions to merchants of all sizes. We’re a full-featured platform with services including online store opening, O2O solution, retail POS systems, advertising placement, business strategy consultation, marketing, and more to empower merchants to succeed in omnichannel retailing and cross-border commerce. You’ll be a part of an engineering team that is dedicated to developing a reliable and robust e-commerce platform for merchants in Asia. 【What you’ll be doing】 - Ensure the integrity, security, and availability of databases through proper database design, implementation, and maintenance. - Optimize database performance through tuning, indexing, and other optimization techniques. - Collaborate with software engineers and developers to integrate database solutions into application architecture. - Take ownership of database-related tasks and features, ensuring their timely and successful completion. - Implement backup and recovery procedures to safeguard database data against loss or corruption. - Monitor database operations and performance, identifying and resolving issues proactively. - Debug and troubleshoot database-related problems, providing effective solutions. - Document processes, procedures, and configurations for reference and future maintenance. 【Who we are looking for】 - Bachelor's or Diploma Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering, or related fields. - Strong experience with database management and optimization, e.g MongoDB - Proficiency in database query optimization and debugging techniques. - Ability to take ownership of database tasks and features, ensuring their completion with attention to detail. - Lifelong learner with a quick grasp of new technologies. - Experience working in a fast-paced startup environment is a plus. - Familiarity with building or maintaining e-commerce platforms is desirable. - 8+ year’s experience in the role of DBA role or relevant 【It'd be plus if you have】 - MongoDB Associate DBA certification - Experience working for a fast-paced startup - Knowledge on building or maintaining e-commerce platforms 【Why you should join us】 - We provide training for newcomers to understand industry best practices. - We have check points to keep newcomers motivated and learn various skills. - We work in a fun, collaborative open space where we encourage creativity and ideas flow freely. - You’ll be able to steer the future roadmap to improve our products, big or small, and see the results of your products reach our customers. - Get to work with flexible working hours. Our priority is on getting the job done. - Birthday leave, marriage leave etc - Flat structure environment, you will be able to work independently and make your own choices. - We provide guidance and mentorship to polish your business skills and entrepreneurship mindset. - We are one of the standout tech startups in Hong Kong, targeting a huge opportunity in Asia. - Shopline is a part of the 500 Startups Accelerator and Incubated by Hong Kong Cyberport, giving us a massive network of advisors and resources globally.










SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,是提供品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務。 以品牌電商架站平台為核心,整合網站設計、商品管理、金物流服務以及行銷導流工具,為賣家提供簡單、好上手的架站服務,是亞洲最大的網路開店平台,此外,SHOPLINE 也提供跨境、O2O 虛實整合、POS 系統等全通路解決方案。自 2013 年創辦以來,全球已經有超過 500,000 個品牌使用 SHOPLINE 的服務成功開店,讓 SHOPLINE 成為在亞洲市場的行業領軍者。 我們保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的彈性,你還等什麼! 歡迎對 startup 有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊! 【What you will be doing】 - Month-End Close Reconciliation: Conduct month-end close reconciliation and ensure all tasks are completed on time. - Accrual Preparation: Prepare month-end accruals by creating General Ledger (G/L) journal entries, managing accrued expenses, reconciling G/L accounts, and analyzing fluctuations. - Process Improvement: Provide recommendations to enhance existing processes and financial systems, suggesting alternatives where appropriate. - Monthly Accounting Management: Monitor and manage monthly accounting processes, including accruals, reconciliations, and the reporting of financial results. - Financial Reporting Enhancement: Continuously seek to improve financial reporting processes while ensuring compliance with internal policies and regulations. - Mentorship: Mentor and train junior accountants, supporting their professional development. - Project Leadership: Proven experience in leading financial streamlining projects. - Ad-Hoc Duties: Perform ad-hoc duties or take on new responsibilities as assigned to maximize team efficiency. 【Who we are looking for】 - Educational Background: Bachelor’s degree or higher in finance, accounting, or a related field. - Work Experience: Over 5 years of experience in a related accounting role. - Technical Skills: Proficient in accounting principles and financial reporting, with advanced Excel skills. - Collaboration Skills: Ability to collaborate proactively with stakeholders, demonstrate accountability, and coach junior talents. - Big Four Experience: Experience working at a Big Four accounting firm is required. - Certifications: CPA or CMA certification is preferred; candidates currently preparing for these certifications are also encouraged to apply.










【What you will be doing】 At SHOPLINE, we are actively searching for highly talented writers who possess the ability to harness the power of language and employ SHOPLINE's content style guide to its fullest potential. In this role, you will be assisting the Product Operations team to craft meticulously detailed and merchant-friendly instruction manuals and FAQ materials that revolve around our diverse range of innovative SHOPLINE products and solutions. - Develop a comprehensive understanding of SHOPLINE products and solutions, translating intricate information into clear, polished, and compelling content. - Craft user-centric product documentation tailored to the needs of SHOPLINE merchants and target audiences. - Adhere to SHOPLINE's content style guide to ensure consistency and coherence. - Collaborate with internal teams, including Product Management, UX Design, and Merchant Success, to establish and refine best practices. - Assess existing content through both quantitative and qualitative analysis, and devise innovative strategies for enhancement. 【Who we are looking for】 - Available for a minimum of three workdays per week for at least six months. - Currently pursuing a degree in (or having relevant experience) in business administration, operations management, marketing, communications, or a related field. - A quick learner with a genuine passion for solving problems and understanding how things work, especially the intricacies of software products and solutions. - Strong interest in creating documentation and procedure manuals tailored for diverse audiences. - Exceptional English language skills, with a meticulous attention to detail in writing, proofreading, and editing—critical for managing and maintaining the accuracy and consistency in our Help Center - Aspires to gain experience as a copywriter, in product operations, as a product manager, or in a related role. - Familiarity with tools such as Figma or Zendesk is a bonus, but we encourage you to apply even if you’re not experienced with them. - Proficient in using Google Docs and Google Sheets, with the ability to organize and manage information effectively.